Friday, February 15, 2008

A Siberian Eskimo family's gertee

This looks so much like my first gertee on Wood River.
Alaska's Digital Archives has some wonderful pictures.

It was above 40 degrees farenheit today! We're having a heat wave in February and the roof was a little scary before Nordica wiped all the melting snow down. Now for some shameless begging. We really need a 30x30 foot heavy duty tarp and if it's firetreated and UV protected, that would be awesome. We've made it through the harshest part of the winter and it's slowly dawning on Nordica that she just camped all winter in interior Alaska. We've got a lot accomplished thanks to the generous donations from our friends across the world. We've recieved contract work, a hammock, cash, books, candles and many crucial items over the past couple years, all of them combined allowed us to keep working on our research/writing projects and take good care of our baby boy too. I was hoping I'd never have to ask for anything else... but we need a waterproof roof before the big rains and winds arrive, and it just can't go on the top of the budget yet, things are tight right now. Email me for the address if you can swing this for us. God willing our little museum and fish camp idea will help us start making an "honest living" this summer. It's only 3 months til summer and we've got a lot to finish before then! The best thing about the museum is we can work on other projects at the same time we man the front desk.

I've started the research for a new article on communitarian law... found a bunch of new leads posted in a new column on the right. Please email me any links you notice I've missed. :)

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